“Hidden Life” is a short experimental film - a symphony of the city, which alternates between slow-motion footage showing empty streets, squares and empty public places without sound with blank footage (black screen) and sounds from people’s daily lives - conversations, children’s laughter, vacuum cleaners, excerpts from TV programs, rattling utensils, dog barking, etc. The public space is deserted and life has finally migrated into the inaccessible interiors of private spaces.
Life during quarantine is like a garment turned inside out - everything that has happened outdoors finds its new digital channels, and people locked up at home live in their homes in a different way than before. The social distance they have to observe produces a new sound activity, which, however, remains hidden behind the walls or, conversely, overflows from balconies and courtyards to the streets. The streets remain deserted as if after a great cataclysm of civilization. It feels like you’re in an absurd reality format that follows the script of an apocalyptic Hollywood movie.